Saturday, December 5, 2009

Freedom and Liberty

Freedom and Liberty
A costly price has been paid
so that a solid foundation could be laid
it was for freedom and liberty
And a country grew strong
a free nation built to last long
it was for freedom and liberty
A republic led by and for its people as a nation
the constitution to guide each new generation
it was for freedom and liberty
For 200 years the American dream we honored
working hard and sacrificing for our sons and our daughters
it was for freedom and liberty
But a strange wind is enveloping our land
an eroding away of the foundation that was planned
entitlement and arrogant enlightenment pervade our lives
ultimately undoing the many years of sacrifice
Freedom and liberty are fading away
our constitution ignored and rewritten each passing day
power and control our reality today
A crossroads in history confronts this great land
will it be for freedom and liberty that our country will stand?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

laws and liberty

As we move through this time in the history of our country let us consider these two quotes – the first from history and second from the present day:

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." Tacticus, Roman senator and historian (56-115)

"As long as our federal government continues to play the role of 'usurper' we shall walk down the road of liberty absconded..."

Something to ponder !

Monday, October 19, 2009

quotes to consider

A quote to consider:

"People ceased somehow to be their own selves in his presence. They all admired him and worshiped him. I don't think he enjoyed any great love of the nation: he was above it. It may sound strange, but he occupied a position previously reserved only for God."

It is a quote in reference to Stalin from his closest collaborator, Kaganovitch - his brother-in-law !

And as we continue to see momentum toward the further centralization of power in our nation's capital and the continued push towards 'socialistic agendas and policies' in our country here is another quote for your consideration:

"They make a semblance of believing in the ideal of socialism, in a future society without classes. In reality, they believe in nothing except organized power."

This is a quote from Milovan Djilas, a prominent Communist leader of Yugoslavia who was personally well acquainted with Stalin, regarding the ruling class of the USSR.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

our inheritance

Have we given over our inheritance? Have we traded it for the promise of something better? Have we sold it for a price?
We, in this country of ours, have been given an inheritance from our fathers. It is an inheritance that was very costly to obtain and it should be cherished and protected. The inheritance that has been passed down from our fathers was based on the idea of freedom and liberty for all but specifically to provide the ability to freely worship God and live our lives based upon His Truth. Our inheritance provides a firm foundation that enables our country’s leadership to maintain our freedom. And this foundation is based on truth that does not change.
Yet we have moved to a time when we are not standing firm as Naboth did. We are giving away our inheritance, ours as well as our children’s, to the Ahabs of today for the promise of something better! What could be better than our freedom and our liberty? What price can even compare to the cost that has been paid to provide our inheritance? We have come to a time in our history where truth has become relative and there is no longer absolute truth – our foundation is crumbling, our inheritance traded away.
Arise, people of God, and stand firm as Naboth did and do not trade nor sell your inheritance. For the price of giving away your inheritance will be persecution.

Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, " Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden because it is close beside my house, and I will give you a better vineyard than it in its place; if you like, I will give you the price of it in money."
But Naboth said to Ahab, "The LORD forbid me that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers.
(1 Kings 21:2, 3)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Even though I am not a country music fan I happened to catch this song as I was TV channel surfing one day…
Very worth listening to the message of this song as we prepare for Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

conservative forfeit

Conservatives have forfeited their place at the policy table and we are going to have pay the price…We did not stand firm on fiscal nor social policy issues while we had the opportunity and the ability to provide ‘foundational direction’ to our country…and now, due to our complete failure to provide that direction, the left (ie: monstrous government control ideologues) has taken complete control of the executive, legislative and soon, the judicial branches of our federal government - we are now along for the ride…unable to stop the freight train that is a coming !
It appears that our country will have to hit rock bottom before we can turn the tide. I base this prediction on the fact that there has, throughout our country, been created a pervasive mentality that, accepts as fact, the government does indeed have all of the answers to the ills that beset us. Additionally, that we must not think or act as ‘we the people’ any longer but await the wisdom as spewed forth from our leaders in Washington – and that answer from Washington is ALWAYS spend more money and add more regulation! We have now ingrained into our society an entitlement expectancy that does not see nor perceive the danger of relying on a select few to rule their lives by the power of fiat.
A comparative analogy for what we have coming is the pain that we are currently experiencing within the housing crisis. We built up a mortgage process in our country that relied upon government intervention as well as incestuous relationships between the GSEs (Fannie and Freddie) and Congress. The housing bubble grew, market price appreciation skyrocketed, speculation flourished, from Wall Street to Main Street everyone was talking about the new paradigm that could continue unabated – risk was all but a thing of the past. All of this was being built upon shifting sand – financial chicanery using leverage, government induced excessive risk taking and easy monetary policy. And now we are paying the price for this governmental tinkering induced great recession – and again our federal leadership’s answer is more money and more regulation! Liberty and freedom be damned – it’s a crisis and only the wisdom of our government can fix it for us.

personal liberty and freedom

If you believe in personal liberty and freedom why would you ever want bigger government? Government eats away at liberty and freedom as it intertwines its tentacles and daily reaches into every segment of our lives….the more government involvement in your life the less liberty and freedom you will have. Government is not the answer it is the problem as a great president once said.
Our federal government’s role is to provide oversight and direction so that liberty and freedom may flourish. And our constitution dictates what that role is – yet we the people have lost our zeal to protect it! The power of government (to legislate, tax and spend) has created a goliath that has overreached well beyond its primary directive. Prior to FDR and the New Deal et al the federal government spent less money than the states – since FDR that ratio has continued to move in the wrong direction in the name of promoting the general welfare of our nation (and we all know that money, and ability to apportion it, means power and control). This continued assault on our liberty has created a cabal of power centered in a very few hands. And under the new administration the federal government is set to spend trillions and become the largest government in the history of the world!
How will that effect the liberty and freedom of the people of the United States?
Are you prepared to be beholden to those few in Washington who control the process?
I do not believe that the founders of this great nation would be impressed with where we have taken this country – after they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their honor to make this country the freest nation in the history of the world.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We the People

Read these words from the ending paragraph of our Declaration of Independence –

‘And for the support of this Declaration,
with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other
our Lives,
our Fortunes and
our sacred Honor.

Consider the level of trust in God as well as the sacrifices made for God and country by our founding fathers… much faith and trust are we willing to place in divine Providence to restore our country ? What sacrifices are we willing to make ?

In this day of ‘me-isms’ as well as special interest groups and select special classes of people that seek to isolate and pit us against one another, who and where are the true patriots willing to stand up for our amazing country and pledge their lives, their fortunes and their honor to restore our country to ‘a more perfect union’ ?

To stand firmly upon the ideals established in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

To understand that freedom comes with a cost and that cost is responsibility and sacrifice.

To reach an understanding that a strong country insures our freedom’s continuing benefits.

To reason together within the bounds of our founding ideals of democracy thereby securing the blessings of liberty for our future as a sovereign nation.

To restore honor to the virtues of self discipline and honesty and integrity

To rekindle our pride in the ideals that founded our country – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

To acknowledge the benefits of hard work and of a job well done.

To remove the growing undercurrent of reliance upon government entitlements and the mentality of victimization.

To disengage the growing tide of class warfare that has been continually escalating by those who do not have a firm belief in our country’s founding ideals.

To restore accountability and fiscal responsibility to our systems of spending and taxation at all levels of government, soundly rejecting socialistic trends.

To recognize and appreciate our diverse cultural heritages yet stand together as one nation indivisible.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America…

Government intervention

Government intervention (at all levels but especially at the federal level) has meant the continued steady erosion of and intrusion upon our liberties and freedoms as established by the founding ideals of our country. It has been a process where the government has obfuscated them from the people, taken ever increasing levels of control and placed them in the hands of the centralized government – and we wonder why we have problems in our country !
Here are some examples:
1) Laws that regulate – these laws have been created to ‘dissuade the evil doers’ who were able to take advantage of people. These laws and their resultant regulatory interpretations end up growing upon themselves, enslaving all not just the ‘evil doers’, while taking on a life of their own – eating away at our freedoms and liberties.
2) The continued frightening levels of legislation that are added to the books every single year that tightens the grip of federalist control continually adding enormous burden upon burden on the people – all while ‘alleviating’ our freedoms (the number of laws on our books has grown exponentially over the last 50 years)
3) The paradoxical laws and resultant judicial decisions – our federal government says that you can not discriminate (neither overtly nor disparately) under penalty of law yet our government allows certain classes of people to be discriminated against due to their closely held beliefs. One blatant example of this is the government’s support for the killing of innocent unborn children – this is the ultimate discriminatory treatment !
And we do these things all in the name of ‘social justice and fairness’ and yet justice is not being served – we have created a system where ‘we the people’ are being discriminated against by our own government (and that’s acceptable?).
Our government, that was founded upon the premise of limited government, has now become the primary director (dictator) of all that we do in this country…the founding ideals of limited government and freedom are all but a memory of the past.

Go, say to Obama

Go, say to Obama, 'Thus says the LORD God," Because I exalted you from among the people and made you leader over My people, and tore the country away from those who are God fearing and gave it to you-- yet you have not been like My servant David, who kept My commandments and who followed Me with all his heart, to do only that which was right in My sight; you also have done more evil than all who were before you, and have gone and made for yourself other gods and lead people astray to provoke Me to anger, and have cast Me behind your back-- therefore behold, I am bringing calamity upon this country.
For the LORD will strike this country, as a reed is shaken in the water; and He will uproot its people from this good land which He gave to their fathers, and will scatter them, because they have made government their god, provoking the LORD to anger. And He will give up this country on account of the sins of the Obama administration and of the Congress, which they committed and with which they made the whole country to sin."

(Modern day extrapolation of 1 Kings chapter 14)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

For a hamburger today !

Our current state of government affairs in terms of the economic philosophy of our wise and wonderful leaders in Washington reminds me of one of the characters in the cartoon ‘Popeye'!

The character ‘Wimpy’ continually repeats his monotone request “I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” to anyone that will listen.

We are in the process of giving up our economic future, which includes our freedom as well as our liberty, for a ‘hamburger today’ – an unsatisfying and wasteful hamburger at that…and we, just as Wimpy, will not have the ability nor the desire to pay anyone back on Tuesday !

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Peoples toil for fire and nations grow weary for nothing

Peoples toil for fire and nations grow weary for nothing.

We have become a nation that has grown very weary as we have moved away from personal responsibility and have come to rely upon government intervention and support.
We toil for a life of freedom and liberty and we see those founding ideals disappearing before our eyes…burned up as in fire – socialism’s chaff. We have become a nation whose dream has moved from a dream of freedom and liberty to one of entitlement, vain glory and the rejection of personal responsibility. Those in leadership in our government, who have taken an oath to adhere to our constitution – their justice and authority now originate with themselves.
America, have the toils of our forefathers – their spilled blood, sweat and tears, their steadfast determination to be a free nation at the cost of their lives, their fortunes and their honor, become an unworthy anecdote to a country that has grown weary for
nothing ?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

America - who are we ?

America – who are we ?
A country made up of people of diverse backgrounds and heritages
Melded together into one body for the common good
Standing on the ideals for our nation’s founding
As our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution proclaim
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all who call America their country

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God,
Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.

That to secure these ideals government has been instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it…

May we stand firm in holding fast to our Constitution and without hesitation proclaim its truths to be self evident while resolving to hold our elected representatives accountable to their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The roots of our country’s wandering stem from:
1) a continued movement away from the belief that there is absolute truth
2) the slow deconstruction and subsequent demise of the founding ideals that are based upon the sound premise that the role of our government is to provide for and protect the personal liberty of its people

As our federal government has moved toward an ever increasing abyss of bigger government, exacerbating levels of legislation, enslaving entitlements and the usurpation of power at all levels, we continue to forsake our precious liberty…
Socialistic trends move us ever further from our nation’s founding ideals while we have created an ever growing population of people who believe that government has THE answers to all of life’s issues.
We must resolve to stem the tide that has begun to engulf our great nation in a sea of mediocrity and stand up to those who have abused their power to govern.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Leadership dilemma

When you contemplate the role that our country’s leadership has played one can see where we, as a country, have relied upon the ‘proud’ and those who ‘lapse into falsehood’ to lead us ! We have, in leadership today, those who created and exacerbated the issues (as well as sustaining existing ones) that have led us to the crisis that we find ourselves in. The undeniable lack of wisdom that has permeated our legislative, judicial and executive process has returned to rule the roost !

We have exchanged true wisdom for band aide philosophies and rhetoric filled metaphors.

The lack of true wisdom can be traced to the inability of the ‘new world person of vision’ to acknowledge history (not the adulterated version that has been foisted upon us), understand cause and effect, accept that there are universal truths that cannot be denied and believe that this country’s founding ideals are not as shifting sands.
The current trend that populates our leadership is littered with those who have a flagrant disdain for the concepts of personal liberty, personal responsibility and personal accountability. While displaying arrogance as well as a hunger for control and power they have side stepped, or should I say trampled upon, the role that serving their country was ordained to be by our founders.

- Where are the leaders who will seek after true wisdom that will provide foresight and focus on a long term vision that builds upon the solid foundation that we once had ? (leaders that will truly seek to SERVE our country and not be served…)
- When will we awaken to the fact that our present leadership is ‘living for the moment’ while unraveling the foundation that has made us a free nation ? (unwise actions have far reaching consequences…)
- Where are those who will combat the ‘live for today for tomorrow we die’ mentality that scurries after immediate gratification ? (not everything can be fixed by money being thrown at the problem and not all problems can be resolved overnight…)
- Where are the leaders who understand that a nation built upon entitlement will not be a free country very long ? (servants are beholden to their masters…)

As a nation we are approaching an era where we will have given up our birth right for a bowl of pottage !

How blessed is the man who has made the LORD his trust,
And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood.
Psalm 40:4

As we look at our country today and where we appear to be headed this verse from the Psalms provides a roadmap for us to follow. Let us stand firm in our resolve to trust in the Lord and not lean on the proud nor to those who lapse into falsehood for our answers…for I desire not to be an Esau !