Thursday, October 29, 2015

moving away from a strong foundation....

Way too many people today believe the converse of these statements....and it all starts with a belief that government is the way, the truth and the did we get here???

and its not 'apart from the government nothing'......

it is 'apart from Him nothing'.....

Janine Turner's photo.

taking the wrong side....

Obama 'took the wrong side' on climate change, says physicist Freeman Dyson

Obama always takes the 'wrong side'….in every instance whether it is climate change or Bergdahl or Iran or the Palestinians or Benghazi or Israel or gun control or the clock kid or law enforcement or the military or illegal immigration or government sponsored infanticide or the IRS or the EPA or the DOE or the DOJ or Executive Orders or government regulation, spending and debt…he always chooses to be on the wrong side of an issue as they relate to the rule of law, the constitution, freedom and individual liberty - the foundations of this country…

And the 'wrong side' is always found to be lacking in truth, integrity and honor! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

if they break the law....

add this to 'we have to pass it before we know what is in it'.........
how have we come this far in our legislative process?
they 'vote' on thousand page bills that no one reads nor understand which give open and non-contested power to un-elected bureaucrats...
we are no longer a nation that follows the rule of law - we have become a nation of agenda driven, debt consumed, political dictates.  
the tyranny must end!

Impeach Nancy Pelosi's photo.