Thursday, October 5, 2017


Why have we placed so much faith and trust in our government to fix all of our problems? 
The more intrusion the federal government has gained in our lives the more issues we seem to have! 
Have the continually increasing levels of intrusion truly benefited our country and its people? 
Have not their continuous and growing ineffectiveness, inefficiency and waste not shown us how truly impotent our government really is? 
Our "leaders" have become the new royalty and we, their serfs, must bow to them and obey their every whim and command and illicit attempts at control. 
Our government's purpose according to our constitution is to serve its people, to preserve and protect our freedom and liberty, but it has come to the point where the roles have been reversed - we are here to serve our government while our freedom and liberty are being usurped - this is completely anathema to the founders' ideal of limited government for our country. 
Government continues to mutate into something it was never meant to be and in our complacence, might I say even our ignorance, we allow it to continue its mutation. 
It has grown into a behemoth that feeds and lives on its prey (we the people) for its own benefit and survival.