Saturday, May 2, 2009

personal liberty and freedom

If you believe in personal liberty and freedom why would you ever want bigger government? Government eats away at liberty and freedom as it intertwines its tentacles and daily reaches into every segment of our lives….the more government involvement in your life the less liberty and freedom you will have. Government is not the answer it is the problem as a great president once said.
Our federal government’s role is to provide oversight and direction so that liberty and freedom may flourish. And our constitution dictates what that role is – yet we the people have lost our zeal to protect it! The power of government (to legislate, tax and spend) has created a goliath that has overreached well beyond its primary directive. Prior to FDR and the New Deal et al the federal government spent less money than the states – since FDR that ratio has continued to move in the wrong direction in the name of promoting the general welfare of our nation (and we all know that money, and ability to apportion it, means power and control). This continued assault on our liberty has created a cabal of power centered in a very few hands. And under the new administration the federal government is set to spend trillions and become the largest government in the history of the world!
How will that effect the liberty and freedom of the people of the United States?
Are you prepared to be beholden to those few in Washington who control the process?
I do not believe that the founders of this great nation would be impressed with where we have taken this country – after they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their honor to make this country the freest nation in the history of the world.