Government intervention (at all levels but especially at the federal level) has meant the continued steady erosion of and intrusion upon our liberties and freedoms as established by the founding ideals of our country. It has been a process where the government has obfuscated them from the people, taken ever increasing levels of control and placed them in the hands of the centralized government – and we wonder why we have problems in our country !
Here are some examples:
1) Laws that regulate – these laws have been created to ‘dissuade the evil doers’ who were able to take advantage of people. These laws and their resultant regulatory interpretations end up growing upon themselves, enslaving all not just the ‘evil doers’, while taking on a life of their own – eating away at our freedoms and liberties.
2) The continued frightening levels of legislation that are added to the books every single year that tightens the grip of federalist control continually adding enormous burden upon burden on the people – all while ‘alleviating’ our freedoms (the number of laws on our books has grown exponentially over the last 50 years)
3) The paradoxical laws and resultant judicial decisions – our federal government says that you can not discriminate (neither overtly nor disparately) under penalty of law yet our government allows certain classes of people to be discriminated against due to their closely held beliefs. One blatant example of this is the government’s support for the killing of innocent unborn children – this is the ultimate discriminatory treatment !
And we do these things all in the name of ‘social justice and fairness’ and yet justice is not being served – we have created a system where ‘we the people’ are being discriminated against by our own government (and that’s acceptable?).
Our government, that was founded upon the premise of limited government, has now become the primary director (dictator) of all that we do in this country…the founding ideals of limited government and freedom are all but a memory of the past.