When you contemplate the role that our country’s leadership has played one can see where we, as a country, have relied upon the ‘proud’ and those who ‘lapse into falsehood’ to lead us ! We have, in leadership today, those who created and exacerbated the issues (as well as sustaining existing ones) that have led us to the crisis that we find ourselves in. The undeniable lack of wisdom that has permeated our legislative, judicial and executive process has returned to rule the roost !
We have exchanged true wisdom for band aide philosophies and rhetoric filled metaphors.
The lack of true wisdom can be traced to the inability of the ‘new world person of vision’ to acknowledge history (not the adulterated version that has been foisted upon us), understand cause and effect, accept that there are universal truths that cannot be denied and believe that this country’s founding ideals are not as shifting sands.
The current trend that populates our leadership is littered with those who have a flagrant disdain for the concepts of personal liberty, personal responsibility and personal accountability. While displaying arrogance as well as a hunger for control and power they have side stepped, or should I say trampled upon, the role that serving their country was ordained to be by our founders.
- Where are the leaders who will seek after true wisdom that will provide foresight and focus on a long term vision that builds upon the solid foundation that we once had ? (leaders that will truly seek to SERVE our country and not be served…)
- When will we awaken to the fact that our present leadership is ‘living for the moment’ while unraveling the foundation that has made us a free nation ? (unwise actions have far reaching consequences…)
- Where are those who will combat the ‘live for today for tomorrow we die’ mentality that scurries after immediate gratification ? (not everything can be fixed by money being thrown at the problem and not all problems can be resolved overnight…)
- Where are the leaders who understand that a nation built upon entitlement will not be a free country very long ? (servants are beholden to their masters…)
As a nation we are approaching an era where we will have given up our birth right for a bowl of pottage !
How blessed is the man who has made the LORD his trust,
And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood.
Psalm 40:4
As we look at our country today and where we appear to be headed this verse from the Psalms provides a roadmap for us to follow. Let us stand firm in our resolve to trust in the Lord and not lean on the proud nor to those who lapse into falsehood for our answers…for I desire not to be an Esau !