Tuesday, July 19, 2016

the choice...

Oh the choice we have to make

One says they love America  
The other one loves money and power

One makes provocative comments 
The other can't seem to tell the truth 

One wants to make America great again
The other wants power and money

One wants to restore law and order
The other blames the victims and not the perpetrators 

One seems to understand the signs of the times
The other only understands the drive for money and power

One wants to fight terrorism
The other can't seem to name the enemy

One is an outsider with a storied history 
The other is an insider with a history of falsehood and deceit 

One wants to serve for the sake of our country 
The other to be served for their own benefit
One says that they believe in the right to life
The other has no problem with the taking of innocent life
One says they stand behind the Constitution and the rule of law
The other believes in doing whatever it takes to achieve the agenda
So, what choice will you make…