Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What will be the breaking point in our country when our foundation of freedom completely breaks down?

A continuing shift is occurring in our country where a growing number of our citizens (at least the vocal ones along with those who vote - legally or not) appear to have no concern for freedom-limiting moves by our political leaders. Where talk of entertaining systems of socialism (progressivism) and Marxism (ultimately communism) are no longer considered freedom destroyers but 'equalizers'. How have we come so far in such a short time?

In most endeavors of life the 'party' stops when the money runs out (or when wisdom kicks in which seems to be rare!). With our federal government continuing to print the 'party' money at exponential speed, at what point do we spend the last available dollar? Or put another way, when does the federal leverage rubber band break? When that occurs our freedom, as we know it, will be severely tested.

For your ponderment:

When only a small number of 'elite' control all of the marbles, we the people will not be invited to join in the game. Control (power) begets more control and the more centralized control we allow the less freedom we shall all enjoy…until one day its gone!